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Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

Dental implants don't work for everyone. You need to have good oral health and a strong bone to support the implant. But, does this mean that people with bone loss can't benefit from implants?

Dental implants are an appealing tooth restoration treatment for our Mandeville patients. They can provide a natural-looking and long-lasting solution to missing teeth. Unfortunately, implants don't work for everyone. You need to have good oral health and a strong bone to support the implant.

But, does this mean that people with bone loss can't benefit from implants? Not necessarily. Keep reading to find out more.

Why Does Bone Mass Matter?

Here's how implants work:

The dentist places a metal post into your jawbone to establish the foundation of your implant. This titanium post needs to integrate with your bone and surrounding tissue before the dentist can place the abutment and then the dental crown. This happens during a lengthy period of about six to nine months, known as osseointegration.

If the metal post doesn't have enough tissue to fuse with, then it can't provide a strong foundation for the implant. And, without a strong foundation, the implant will likely fail.

Does This Mean Implants Are Out of The Question for People With Bone Loss?

Not necessarily. You can still get dental implants in Mandeville if you have bone loss, but you might need to undergo additional dental treatments, such as a bone graft.

A bone graft is a surgical procedure meant to add enough mass to the jawbone to make it strong enough to support an implant. In most cases, the dentist will use healthy bone tissue from another part of your body and transplant it to the jawbone to enhance it. This procedure triggers your body to create new tissue and form the right foundation for an implant.

A bone graft isn't a painful or complex procedure, but it will require time for the integration process to begin. It can take about six months for the bone graft to integrate with the jaw. Only after this process is completed and you have a strong and healthy jaw can you continue with the dental implant treatment.

What Should I Do Next?

If you've been dealing with missing teeth for a long time and you suspect that you don't have enough bone mass for an implant, visit Dr. Charles Schof at Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence for a consultation. He can assess your oral health and determine if you need additional treatment, such as a bone graft or periodontal care before beginning the dental implant process. He can also establish if implants are the right choice for you or if you may benefit more from another restorative option, such as dentures.

All you have to do next is send us a message online, tell us about your problem and we will get in touch with you to tell you what your next step should be.

You can also call us at (985) 626-4401 during office hours for a quick chat.

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