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How Do Same-Day Crowns Work? Understanding The Process

If you’re interested in same-day crowns in Mandeville, you may not be sure what to expect from the process. Can you really get a crown in a day? How does it work?

If you’re interested in same-day crowns in Mandeville, you may not be sure what to expect from the process. Can you really get a crown in a day? How does it work?

At the Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence, we use PlanScan CAD/CAM (Computer-Assisted Design/Manufacturing) technology to provide same-day crowns at our office. Below, you can learn more about the process, and what to expect from your appointment with Dr. Charles Schof

1. Comprehensive Oral Exam

To begin, Dr. Schof will conduct an oral exam to ensure that same-day crowns are the right choice for your oral health issue. If he finds that you only have a minor cavity, for example, he may recommend a filling instead. But if you are a good candidate for a same-day crown, he will begin preparing your tooth for your crown. 

2. Tooth Preparation

Next, Dr. Schof will clean your mouth and numb the treatment area. Once your tooth is numb, he will drill away any damaged enamel from the outside of your tooth. After any decayed or damaged material is removed, the tooth will be trimmed further to provide a stable platform for your crown. 

3. 3D Tooth Scan

With PlanScan technology, there is no need for uncomfortable dental impressions using putty and trays. Instead, Dr. Schof will use an extremely precise and accurate PlanScan handheld scanner to scan your tooth and the surrounding area of your mouth. This device automatically creates a 3D image of your tooth, and uploads it to a computer for the next step of the process.

4. Crown Design & Manufacturing

Using the 3D image of your tooth, Dr. Schof will begin designing your crown. Once the design is finalized, he will load a block of porcelain into our PlanScan CAD/CAM machine. This machine uses special, computer-guided tools to quickly trim the porcelain block into the proper shape, based on your 3D tooth scan. It only takes a few minutes to create each crown.

Once your crown is complete, Dr. Schof will retrieve it and come back to the operatory for the final step of the process. 

5. Final Crown Check & Placement 

Dr. Schof will check the fit of your dental crown to make sure it looks perfect. He can make minor adjustments and trim the crown, if necessary. Once everything looks good, he will attach the crown to your tooth using a powerful dental adhesive, restoring your tooth permanently. Then, he will buff and polish the crown, provide you with aftercare instructions, and send you home with a brand-new tooth. 

Interested In Same-Day Crowns? Contact The Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence

If you want same-day crowns in Mandeville, Dr. Charles Schof can provide you with the expert care you need. You can contact us online to get started or call at (985) 626-4401 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Schof, and get the expert dental care you need to restore your smile and keep your mouth healthy.

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