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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments: In One Day!

With modern technology and techniques, you don’t have to wait days or weeks to get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments: In One Day!

With modern technology and techniques, you don’t have to wait days or weeks to get the smile you’ve always wanted. At the Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence, you can restore your smile and boost your confidence in just one appointment with same-day cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. Schof has invested in the latest dental technology, such as CEREC, to ensure that every patient at our office gets the treatment they need when it’s most convenient. What cosmetic treatments can you get in a just one day?

Porcelain Veneers

Traditionally, porcelain veneers take 2-3 weeks to be manufactured by an outside dental lab. But, using CEREC technology, Dr. Schof can create a set of porcelain veneers right here in our office during your appointment.

First, Dr. Schof will clean and prepare your teeth, and use an advanced imaging device to take photos and scans of your mouth. Then, this information is uploaded to our CEREC machine. Dr. Schof will fine-tune each veneer to make sure it will fit perfectly and matches the rest of your existing teeth. Once your veneers are sculpted using the CEREC CAD/CAM machine, they will be adhered to your teeth and you’ll leave our office with a fresh, new smile– in just one day!

Same Day Crowns

We also offer same day crowns in Mandeville using CEREC technology. If you receive dental crowns from an office without CEREC, you will need to wear a temporary crown while your permanent crown is manufactured at an outside lab.

But at the Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence, Dr. Schof can create and place a crown in less than two hours. Whether you want a porcelain crown to replace an unsightly one made of gold or steel, or if you have had root canal therapy and need to protect your tooth, our team is here to help!

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the best ways to restore your smile in just a single appointment at our office. Often, we can whiten your teeth in less than an hour, using the latest, advanced whitening compounds and techniques for the best results.

Teeth whitening is fast, non-invasive, and affordable. And because Dr. Schof is an experienced cosmetic dentist, you can trust him to provide you with effective, thorough whitening.

Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted in Just One Appointment!

At our office, you don’t have to wait around to get the smile of your dreams. With these efficient cosmetic services, we can improve the appearance of your smile in a single day.

To learn more, take a look at some of our patient reviews and testimonials, and check out our Smile Gallery to see before/after photos. Ready to get started? Give us a call now at (985) 626-4401, contact us online, or come to our office in person at 240 Dalwill Dr, Mandeville, LA 70471.

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